We are doing something we've never done before. We are offering an obligation-free trial of our 4-Week Women's Self-Defense Course, with no registration required.
All that's needed is to just show up* this Tuesday evening in Pukalani if you think this course may be a good fit for you or someone you know.
Taught by World Champion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Penny Thomas, this course is one of Penny's favorites to teach and is filled with powerful self-defense techniques specifically designed for women.
Women's Self Defense, 4-Week Course
Tuesdays @ 7pm
Starts THIS Tuesday, 8/30
For Women Aged 16+
@ The Wisdom Flow Studio, 95 Makawao Avenue (in the long skinny parking lot immediately past Kojima's)
Bring athletic clothing and a water bottle (for more clothing suggestions, click here)
Bring proof of having filled out our online Release Form or do it from your mobile phone after arriving in the studio, before class begins.
As a courtesy, please text us to let us know we can expect you (you can text 808-400-4185 or else just reply to any texts you may have received from us)
As a courtesy please arrive 5-10 minutes before the official 7pm class start time
We'll collect your email address during the second class and you'll be emailed an invoice for online payment, due within 3 days, for the full 4-week course at the discount price of just $110.
Coach Gabe