In The News
The benefits of mindfulness and martials arts are constantly in the news. Here are some of those stories.
All The Right Moves
Jun 7, 2019 | The Maui News
We were featured in the Maui News! This terrific article by Sarah Ruppenthal highlights the efforts Kula School has been making to bring mindfulness practices into the school, and describes how the Mindful Martial Arts program is integrated into that effort.
Why Your Kids Should be Doing Martial Arts in 2022
February 1, 2022 | Ursor
Have you ever wondered exactly what people mean when they say martial arts? They can be broken down into two main categories - grappling and striking. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the art Mindful Martial Arts is based around, is predominatly grappling. This article breaks down 7 of the best types of martial arts for kids.
All martial arts offer benefits like regular exercise, improving social skills, mental and spiritual development, self-defense, and helping boost your child's confidence.
Why Mindfulness Enhances Athletic Performance and Recovery
January 28, 2022 | New York Times
Jenny Marder explains how meditation and mindfulness bring you not only relaxation and focus, but can actually enrich your overall athletic performance while helping you create a long-term relationshp with activity.
Experts say that "meditation’s emphasis on the breath and the body shifts the focus from the outcome — whether it’s winning a race, increasing your mile time or weight loss — to movement for movement’s sake, which makes it more enjoyable."
Kids In Martial Arts — Self-Defense or Learning to Fight?
Apr 23, 2021 | Yahoo News
Martial arts have the added benefit of self-defense to help kids protect themselves in times of danger, but does such martial arts training actually increase the chances of them fighting?
The truth is, martial arts teaches your kid not to fight....
Practicing Mindfulness in Summer Camp Benefits Everyone
Apr 13, 2021
Implementing an evidence-based mindfulness program in a summer camp setting decreased emotional distress in school age children and empowered campers and counselors alike.
Connected Teens Become Healthier Adults: Study
Jun 29, 2019 | UPI
Mindful Martial Arts classes help students develop feelings of connectedness through the belonging and care they experience in the class itself, and also through the specific tools and life skills we teach.
A recent study has shown that teens who had higher levels of connectedness -- feeling engaged, supported and cared for -- were as much as 66 percent less likely to have mental health problems, to experience violence, to take sexual risks, and to engage in substance use.
Mindfulness for Athletes: How Mindfulness Can Lead To a Peak Performance
Jun 27, 2019 | SwimSwam
Mindfulness can have a powerful impact on your performance in many ways including strengthening focus, reducing anxiety and enhancing recovery... Author Jeff Grace discusses several different ways to practice mindfulness and clarifies how it differs from Sports Psychology Skills Training.
How This Elite Navy SEAL Found Strength and Success Through Mindfulness
Jun 24, 2019 | Forbes
Behind the muscles and high military ranks lies a soldier, entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author who attributes his immense success to his mindfulness practice. Today, his mission is to prove that even the toughest warriors need to slow down and breathe.
New Bedford Police Use Mindfulness Meditation to Relieve Stress
Jun 19, 2019 | South Coast Today
Police officers have one of the Top 5 most stressful jobs nationwide. In New Bedford, Massachusetts, Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro is doing something to address this problem. “It is important for officers to have a tool they can access any time to reduce their stress level,” he said in a written statement.
Martial Arts Instructors Talk About Self defense in Aftermath of Attempted Didnapping
Jun 18, 2019 | KMVT11
In the wake of an attempted abduction, a martial arts instructor in Idaho talks about his gym's KIDSMART program, and gives insight on how they teach children to identify and deal with "Tricky People."
New Research Finds Evidence That Mindfulness Helps ADHD
Jun 06, 2019 | Psychology Today
A recent review published in Behavioural Neurology suggests that mindfulness could be a promising way to improve attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This finding is important because medications that treat ADHD often have serious medical and psychological side effects.
GIRLS WHO FIGHT: Empowering Females Through Self-Defense
Jun 01, 2019 | Toronto SUN
Gemma Sheehan dedicated more than a decade of her life to training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling and kickboxing. She now teaches girls and young women self-defense and Mixed Martial Arts.
“There are so many amazing benefits to training in martial arts, things you can’t learn through traditional education, like mental toughness, being okay with losing, persistence and discipline, all of which are important in life.”
Teaching women self-defence still the best way to reduce sexual assaults: study
Jun 10, 2015 | The Globe and Mail
In the debate over how to reduce sexual assault on university campuses, proposing self-defence classes for women is controversial. Women aren’t the problem, the reasoning goes, so why is changing their behaviour the solution?
But, according to new landmark Canadian research, it works. The study found that the Canadian-designed intervention reduced the rate of rape among participants by nearly 50 per cent.